Saturday, March 12, 2011


Some times I use reference:
I felt like drawing portraits but I didn't know who of... so I just looked up some of my favorite musicians: Yann Tiersen, Mathias Malzieu (Dionysos), Tori Amos, Peter Gabriel and Charles Aznavour

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Deleted Scene

This is a scene I didn't finish before it got cut from my third year film. Kind of a good thing too, when I render it it works fine but when I batch render the hair on one side sticks straight out!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


What do I do when I'm not animating for school....
well, sometimes, I animate stuff.
So this is my blog for random doodles and animations which are just practice and fun

Like this, which I did last night for a few hours... Trying out the Morpheus rig
I might go back and refine it more (and add more weight!) later since I rather enjoyed doing it.